Black History Month (13) — Blacks and Food Justice: A Guide to Resources
posts of bibliographies and brief reading guides in recognition, honor,
and celebration of Black History Month comes to a close with this—our
thirteenth—post on Blacks and Food Justice: A Guide to Resources.
you have been unable to keep up with our postings or by way of making
it easy to view the material in our posts for the month, I have listed
the bibliographies and guides below (in alphabetical order, thus not the
order in which they appeared here throughout the month of February)
with embedded links. I hope at least a few of our readers have found (or
will find) them helpful. For what it’s worth, I was disappointed that,
at least at the law and other blogs I read routinely, there was, unlike
in past years, comparatively little or nothing deliberately posted for
Black History Month. Sartre memorably wrote: “[Marxism] remains [...]
the philosophy of our time. We cannot go beyond it because we have not
gone beyond the circumstances which engendered it.” One might
analogously state that we cannot transcend Black History Month until we
have gone beyond the circumstances that indirectly (because
unintentionally) engendered it (e.g., slavery, spontaneous and
systematic violence against African-Americans, job and other forms of
discrimination, segregated schooling and housing, Jim Crow laws, voter
suppression, and so forth), including the recalcitrant and seemingly
intractable racism that still—unconsciously, subconsciously, and
consciously—rules the minds of far too many individuals, groups, and
institutions in this society. The formal and informal historical
knowledge of a disturbing number of people in the U.S. has yet to
sufficiently come to epistemic, moral, and political terms with Black
history such that the qualifying word is no longer necessary, in other
words, so as to render the adjective “Black” redundant because it has
become an integral and well understood part of our country’s grand
historical narratives, having assumed the form of common knowledge.
Until such time, it will be necessary for us to enlist a variety of
means and methods equal to the task of recognizing, honoring, and
celebrating Black History Month.
The links from our posts (thus not the posts themselves, for a few of them contained more than one link) for the month:

- Africana & African American Philosophy
- After Slavery & Reconstruction: The Black Struggle for Civil Rights, Freedom, and Equality in the U.S.
- The Black Athlete and Sports
- Blacks and Food Justice: A Guide to Resources
- Blacks on the (Radical) Left
- The Black Panther Party
- Detroit: Labor & Industrialization, Race & Politics, Rebellion & Resurgence
- Frantz Fanon
- The Haitian Revolution
- L.R. James: Marxist Humanist & Afro-Trinidadian Socialist – A Basic Reading Guide
- Jacob Lawrence and the Haitian Revolution: Exemplifying the Values and Purposes of Art
- Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965) – A Basic Reading Guide
- Pan-Africanism, Black Internationalism, & Black Cosmopolitanism
- Philosophy & Racism
- Slavery
- South African Liberation Struggles
- (at top of post) Rev. Floyd D. Harris Jr., founder (2015) of the Freedom School in West Fresno.
- (immediately above) Freedom School Fresno’s demonstration farm, located behind New Light for New Life Church of God.
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